In fact, the images seem like they would be better suited as leaks for a fan-made Counter Strike: Global Offensive mod map. Posted to Imgur by user VNN123456443, the screen caps show off a vaguely Middle Eastern environment, which has yet to be explored in the Left 4 Dead series. READ NEXT: Fake Left 4 Dead 3 Teaser Already Debunked By Valve Of course, in typical Valve fashion, it seems like the game was quietly cancelled before ever receiving an official announcement.

Though these images seem to prove that a follow up to the 2009 zombie slaying epic Left 4 Dead 2 was indeed in the works at some point, fans know better than to get their hopes up about stuff like this. There’s a set of screenshots making the rounds right now, which fans have posited to have been connected to Valve’s amorphous Left 4 Dead 3 project at some point.