This was way back just a year or two after the original release, and I was modding becuase I finally upgraded my video card at that time, and wanted to take advantage of all the "HD" texture packs and mods for trees/grass/water that were coming out making use of the new/more powerful graphics cards that were available.Īfter I spent an entire weekend dealing with incompatibilities, I gave up for a while. I got burned out when I was applying/attempting to apply mods for my second playthrough. Really isn't that hard to do, just a couple clicks of the mouse. With STEAM and mods, you just need to always remember to configure the game to not auto-update. In the meantime, if you have any favorite/must-have mods for Skyrim, post them here and I'll check them out when Bethesda finally stops beating this dead horse.

Guess I'll just go back to playing indie games for another few weeks until all the mod authors update their mods for the re-re-release. I'm usually not even started with downloading and I'm already completely over it. Even when I find a handful of mods that look really fun, reading through the files I keep seeing "Requires X utility to run" or "Not compatible with Y mod but requires Z mod to function properly but if using X mod, then go over here to download this completely different mod". I think my main problem is that I keep recalling back to modding Oblivion with FCOM which would take almost an entire weekend simply because of how massive the overhaul mod is and how complicated the installation process can be. And here I thought they were done with re-releasing Skyrim. However, as I was recently browsing the Nexus today, I saw that Skyrim Anniversary Edition is going to be released in less than a week which will come with an anniversary patch to SE which in-turn will completely break the Skyrim Script Extender which is required for most of the popular mods.
So I decided a few days ago that I'd start browsing around, finding mods that I want to throw into Skyrim SE, and then finally give it a proper play-through. I've been trying to push myself to finally play through Skyrim, but I remember the vanilla game was so dumbed-down that I kept telling myself that I'd give it about four months and come back with all the main Oblivion mods (mainly the DarnifiedUI), but as we can plainly see - that never happened.